... tastes like strawberries

April 4, 2021.

Fixed some code on this page and added a downloadable portfolio of my recent design work. For the past month or so I've been learning Javascript intensively, both on the front-end and the back-end. The latter is very complex to me but the more I get into it, it gets more interesting and I think it really helps me get a fuller picture of what I'm dealing with.

I've been trying to get a clear understanding of how things function today on the server-side and there's a lot to catch up with.
REST arhitecture, JWT, serverless computing just to name a few concepts. There are many learning resources available online but I find it's not so easy to find an article or tutorial that explains things well. What works best for me is combining multiple resources and writing my own notes, but I will say that DigitalOcean and Medium usually have really good, beginner-friendly articles that explain things thoroughly.

March 3, 2021.

So lately I've been working on a few designs in Figma. I like it a lot as it is a very powerful and easy to use tool. You can see them in the Portfolio section and on my Dribble profile.

February 16, 2021.

finished Machine Man layout design
code practice: React, CSS transitions/animations

February 9, 2021.

working on new layout
code practice: React, Bootstrap, Material-UI

January 19, 2021.

working on this page
code practice: embedding, iframe, grid, css transform, scrollbars, forms

January 10, 2021.

finished Ferris Wheel layout
code practice: javascript toggle, css animations and transitions, playing with background size and position

December 26, 2020.

finished Monochrome Particles layout
code practice: building e-commerce with js, flex and grid, css menu show/hide on hover

November 13, 2020.

Monochrome Particles layout - making progress
code practice: login forms